Monday, June 6, 2011


From my friend Heather:

Are you having a day of accomplishment? Or is it a day of persistent tugging on your spirit, finding yourself being pulled in many directions?

Philippians 4:11
"...for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content...I have learned the secret..."

No matter the circumstances, I am learning I need to be content by being completely fulfilled in my God whom I breathe in all day. Knowing that while I am listening to His gentle voice, He only has the best of intentions for my life. I am discovering that God allows daily living to grow us into His image--Holy.

Fulfillment is defined as satisfaction, contentment, even success. We need to remember to thank God for giving us a life to live, and to exercise gratitude that He chose us to accomplish a job that only we can do.

As you go through your days, remain loyal to our God no matter what you are facing. Be the one that is satisfied and content. Be the one that God knows He can count on any time, anywhere. What a awe-inspiring honor to feel the breathe of God as He speaks to you on your daily walk with Him.

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