Thursday, March 6, 2008

Near Victim of Euthanasia Talking More

Haleigh Poutre nearly became a victim of euthanasia when doctors gave up hope on her after she entered a coma and state officials, who had custody, petitioned a court to let them take her life. Poutre showed unmistakable signs of consciousness just prior to her possible euthanasia, and now the young girl is talking more about what happened. Doctors declared Haleigh "brain dead" and in a permanent vegetative state, but that's when Poutre began responding. She began to interact with people and now, according to the Republican newspaper, is talking more. Read the story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont get the fact that when you pen such a useful page they tell us to close the page because an amount of babies are being killed from abortion? like whas up????