Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reversal of Ban on Embryonic Stem Cell Research --It's just plain mean!

From Alliance Alert:

Among the many reasons why it is wrong to use embryonic stem cells for research: it's just plain MEAN to destroy one life to possibly save another! Any reversal of policies that preserve and/or protect the lives of women and unborn children is just plain MEAN! Reversal of life-affirming policies have nothing to do with fixing the economy or preserving our national defense.

Here are my ideas for new bumper stickers:

"If my aborted pregnancy was just a bunch of stem cells, why is my abortion provider offering me grief counseling?"
"If my aborted pregnancy was just a blob of tissue, why is my abortion provider offering me grief counseling?"


"If my aborted pregnancy was just a bunch of stem cells, why am I so sad?"
"If my aborted pregnancy was just a blob of tissue, why am I so sad?"


"This Administration is bent on UN-protecting WOMEN and the UN-born."

Care to share yours?

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