Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Campaign to Expose "Fake Clinics"

(from Baptists for Life)

Students for Life passed along information they received in an e-mail from the Feminist Majority Network, a pro-abortion organization. The group has launched an effort called the "Campaign to Expose Fake Clinics." Their goal is to shut down CPCs and prevent them from advertising on college campuses.

"Some fake clinics coerce and intimidate women out of considering abortion as an option, and prevent women from receiving neutral and comprehensive medical advice. They are typically run by anti-abortion volunteers who are not licensed medical professionals."

Now, they have declared April 13th National Crisis Pregnancy Center Protest Day. Be sure to see their step-by-step guide to exposing fake clinics.

SFLS is calling on pro-life students: "Take action now! Organize your group to volunteer for your local CPC on April 13th. Advertise the resources your local CPC offers on campus. Bring the director of your local CPC to campus as a speaker. Defend the right of CPCs to advertise on your campus."

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