Thursday, January 22, 2009

When you wonder why . . .

. . . you are going through at trial or difficulty in your life, remember that the Lord might be able to use it to help someone else along the way. That was my situation today with two different situations:

Because of my previous abortions, when a woman is considering having an abortion, I can talk to her about how it affected me and caused great emotional, spiritual, and yes, even some physical damage in my life. By sharing the truth of my experience with a woman today, I was able to encourage her to slow down and think through her decision BEFORE she made a permanent choice. I will never stay silent about abortion's devastation in my life and the restoration that came to me through the shed blood of Christ if it means that another person can be spared from experiencing an abortion and one child's life can be spared.

A relative of mine is being drawn into a religious cult, and it drove me to learn why the cult was wrong, biblically. Well, today, a person came to me for help on another matter and told me they were studying with this same "cult". Because I had previously studied the "cult", I was able to point out some dangers and encourage them to rethink their involvement. If I had not done that in an effort to help my relative see the truth, I would not have been prepared to share with the person today!

God does indeed work all things out for good!


Meg said...

Love it when the Lord uses, really uses the "hard stuff"!!!

Meg said...

Love it when the Lord uses, really uses the "hard stuff"!!!