Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

The following story was written by a 9 year old girl named Alisa. She was given an assignment for school to write about what her "dream" would be in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. She gave me permission to use her story and her name. Her mom had Alisa when she was 19, and, as often happens, Alisa's mom was discarded by her boyfriend shortly after she let it be known that she was going to have her baby. Alisa does not know her dad but always tells everyone she is from a big family because all of her extended family loves her dearly. She is a very special joy and blessing to her family. Her grandma says that Alisa is a gift from God, not a punishment.

Alisa had been with her grandmother at the State Capitol on January 22 and heard the stories of the men and women who shared about having had abortions. This was her clarion call for us to stop abortions. I think we should listen to her.

We Should Stop Abortion

We should all stop abortion. It’s a horrible thing to do. That’s why I have a dream that one day this horrible thing called abortion will stop. I want abortion to stop because it’s like a nightmare to many people, except you don’t wake up from it. When moms abort their child, the doctors don’t mention that there’s other things to do than abortion. Our taxes help pay for abortion but shouldn’t someone finally stand up and say no!? It’s a horrible thing they do to the babies. To think the babies were safe in their own mom’s womb. The little babies didn’t do anything to us, so why should we do anything to them? What the doctors do to them is they use chemicals to burn the innocent babies to death. The doctor never tells them this either--that this might be your only baby in your entire life and you’ll never have one again. The doctors don’t know that the baby has a precious soul. They can’t see it with anything. Everyone deserves a life. That’s why I have a dream that abortion will be a law that no one can abort their child.

by Alisa, 4th grade,Cedar Creek Community School

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