Wednesday, November 5, 2008

BFL Ballot Issue Roundup

From Michelle at Baptists For Life- news you can use!

Ballot Issue Roundup

In South Dakota, voters defeated an initiative to ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest and serious health threat to the mother.

Colorado voters defeated a "personhood" amendment that would have defined human life as beginning at fertilization. The ballot did not explicitly mention abortion, but activists on both sides in the campaign viewed it as a blunt challenge to abortion rights.

The third try wasn't the charm for pro-life advocates in California who want parents to have a chance to know when their minor daughters are considering an abortion.

In Arkansas, voters banned unmarried couples living together from being adoptive or foster parents.

In Washington state, voters decided to join Oregon as the only states offering terminally ill people the option of physician-assisted suicide.

Among scores of local ballot questions, one of the most provocative was in San Francisco, where a measure to decriminalize prostitution was defeated.

In Michigan, a proposal to allow embryonic stem cell research passed.,

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