Thursday, October 9, 2008

Saving babies in Florida, northern Minnesota, and in our neighborhood!

Monday I received a phone call from a woman in Florida seeking help with a pregnancy crisis. She had found MWC on the net! I was able to refer her to a center in her city for ongoing help.

Then on Wednesday evening I received a phone call from a pastor's wife in the northern part of the state requesting help with an abortion-related situation. Her daughter has a friend that is considering abortion, and the daughter wanted to reach out to the other girl. I was able to refer the family to a pregnancy center in their area and to encourage them to offer support to this abortion-minded woman.

Today a girl called in a panic seeking an abortion. She was right down the street, so I invited her to MWC to talk. She agreed, and, praise the Lord, the baby has been spared!

Praise the Lord for being able to network with other centers in different parts of the state and even around the country to help women in need!

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