Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blankets and Bottles and Blessings – Oh, MY!

Thank you to Grace Baptist Church in Waseca for your gift of $171.00 for the Amazing Grace Home through your ongoing "Baby Bottle" campaign! We appreciate you!

Thank you to the "Bright Lights" girls and Normandale Baptist Church leaders for making these great polar fleece blankets for our babies. Thanks for sharing and giving for life. You are all blessings to us!

Thanks to the Ambassador Baptist Church Sparkies and leader Jon Ekblad for contributing to our Amazing Grace Home fund - over $65.00 in change was given!

Thanks for encouraging us and loving on our moms and babies!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Calling All Pro-Life Twin Cities Women

... anyone, for that matter!

Join us for the Mother’s Mourning of Prayer at the site of the new Planned Parenthood clinic being built in St Paul. Through prayer, song and by pushing empty baby strollers, we want to appeal to the construction workers’ natural instinct to protect women and children.

God Transforms Lives, Abortion Destroys Them

Last week I went to St. Paul and took pictures of the new Planned Parenthood facility that is being built. I am posting one here as a reminder for us to keep praying that this facility will be closed, even before it opens in December. As I looked at the “skeleton” of the building going up, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I grieved for the unborn babies whose delicately forming skeletons will be destroyed inside that building. I prayed for individuals whose lives will be changed forever by entering that building and laying on an abortion table or taking abortion pills. And, I thought about the dads who will lose their opportunity to be fathers due to an abortion.

Then I considered Easter. The empty tomb signals Christ’s resurrection and victory over sin and death for all who will choose Him. As a post-abortive woman and now the mother of three grown sons, I have always been amazed that the Lord allowed me to bear children after aborting three times. After I repented of my sin of abortion in particular and of sin in general, God graciously welcomed me to Himself. He allowed life to emerge from a place where death had previously reigned, not only from my womb, but from my heart. For me, the empty tomb represents redemption and restoration. I trust that someday, all abortion clinics will be transformed into places of life, not death.

As I pondered Easter, I was filled with thankfulness to the Lord and for a moment I was peaceful. Then I became overwhelmed and even angry as it occurred to me: “Why is a large ‘tomb for babies’ being constructed right in the middle of our state’s capital city? What is wrong with us?” They are building a death camp, and we are allowing it!

Just as the stone in front of Jesus’ tomb was rolled away supernaturally, Planned Parenthood’s abortion “tomb” can be supernaturally changed from a place of death to a place of life. Transformations like this have happened before; consider the story of “72 Ransom” in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Click here to read the story and watch the video about how God turned the largest abortion clinic in that city into a place of life and hope.

It is interesting to note that the building was originally built in 1882 as a Jewish temple, Congregation Emmanuel, at a cost of $15,000. A place, purposely built for the worship of the Creator of Life, became a place where death and the god of ‘choice’ reigned for 10 years. I have personally visited 72 Ransom since its transformation from a place of darkness to one of light. It was overwhelming to be in a place where 20,000 children had been aborted. Though the building now houses the offices of LIFE International, the lower level has one room preserved just as it was: the abortion table and instruments standing undisturbed as a testament of the great evil that occurred there.

God transforms lives, Planned Parenthood destroys them.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

More States Restrict Abortions

Lately we have been fascinated watching baby eaglets hatch and the birth of bear cubs via remote cameras on the internet. It is very exciting!

But I am still amazed when efforts to protect human babies from abortion are viewed as "hostility" to abortion. Isn’t it the abortion that is hostile to the child?

We use animal births as "teachable moments," but we still fund human abortions and keep the carnage of abortion under cover. One of the bear cubs that was recently born “on camera” died yesterday, and it was all over the news. But in Minnesota 35 babies are aborted daily, 13,000 yearly by the latest numbers, and yet there are continuing efforts to keep abortion legal. Baffling, but not surprising.

Check out this CNN article to see that is happening around the country as states move to restrict abortion access.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Update: 40 Days for Life

from Shawn Carney:

One week to go in the spring campaign of 40 Days for Life. So far 346 mothers have turned away from abortion -- that we know of! Follow the stories of babies saved that I have received from local 40 Days for Life teams in 247 locations worldwide.

Click here to read the rest of the post.

ACTION: Ask the Senate to De-Fund Planned Parenthood!

Late Friday night the next step in the battle to de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business came when pro-life House Speaker John Boehner forced pro-abortion Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to do something he swore he wouldn't do: allow a vote on de-funding Planned Parenthood.

House Republicans have already approved the Pence Amendment to yank tens of millions of dollars from the abortion business that it receives under Title X. Now, it's the Senate's turn, and we desperately need your help!

Contact your two U.S. senators and ask them to vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood.

If you have written to them already, contact them again. If your senators are pro-life, they still need to hear from you because pro-abortion stalwarts will pull out all the stops to flood them with calls and emails telling them to vote no. If your senators are pro-abortion, they need an avalanche of calls and emails demanding that Planned Parenthood not receive your tax money.

When you write, here are some useful news stories you can draw from to make your points to your elected officials:

Parenthood Report: Record Abortions Done in 2009
Videos Show Planned Parenthood Helping Sex Traffickers
Planned Parenthood Misleads on Offering Mammograms
Planned Parenthood Advises Man With STD to Donate Blood

If you want the best source for Pro-Life News sign up at

Friday, April 8, 2011

Birthmother Dinner

I would like to invite any birthmothers to a special dinner on Friday, May 6th at 7:00 p.m. in Roseville, MN.

If you would like to come, please call me at 763-533-8642 ext. 2, and I can give you more details. This dinner is my treat for any birthmothers, no matter how long ago you made an adoption plan for your child. Space is limited, so please let me know by this Thursday, April 14th.

Thanks! I hope you can come!

The Goal of Legalizing Abortion

The goal of legalizing abortion in the US was to make abortion safe, legal, and rare. Only the legal part has been fulfilled as abortion is 100% deadly for the baby and often dangerous for the mother, as indicated in this article about a botched abortion in Washington state. The staffer at the abortion clinic called 911 and told the dispatcher, “We just did an abortion on her.” She confirmed the patient was “not yet” in shock but asked the emergency responders to use the "side door of the facility to not draw as much attention."

As for abortion being rare, over 13,000 abortions in Minnesota alone in the last reported year makes 250 abortions a week. At an average price of $400 per abortion that adds up to $100,000 a week for those doing the killing. Abortion is not rare, but it is profitable. What a waste of our human resources!

Read the rest of the article here.