Monday, November 15, 2010

Battle for baby’s life won by ADF-allied attorneys

AUSTIN, Texas — The parents of a 16-year-old girl represented by Alliance Defense Fund allied attorneys signed a court order Wednesday agreeing to not force their daughter to have an abortion against her will. This came about slightly more than a week after the ADF-allied attorneys secured a temporary restraining order (TRO) from a Texas court to block the parents from making their daughter go to an abortion facility to terminate the life of their pre-born grandchild.

The teenager’s mother forcefully brought her on two occasions to local abortion facilities, demanding that her daughter terminate the life of her child. Though she refused, and the child’s father also does not want an abortion, her parents insisted that she have the abortion. The TRO granted last week prevented the parents from such coercion before they agreed to sign a long-term court order prohibiting them from forcing their daughter to have an abortion for the duration of her pregnancy.

“No one should be allowed to decide that an innocent life--especially one that belongs to someone else--is worthless,” said Stephen Casey of Round Rock, one of more than 1,800 attorneys in the ADF alliance. Gregory R. Terra of Georgetown, the other ADF-allied attorney involved in the case, agreed, “The parents made the right decision, one which they, their daughter, the baby’s father, and especially their grandchild, will appreciate.” Casey and Terra, along with Allan E. Parker of The Justice Foundation in San Antonio, secured the parents’ signatures on the latest order before having it signed and validated Thursday by a district judge.

Read the rest of the article here.

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