Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone."

Ephesians 2:20

During difficult times, it is a blessing to be able to rest on the solid rock that is Christ. His Word and the truths we learn from it never change. With so much chaos going on, that solid rock is mighty comforting!

This week I coached my 45th labor. I never tire of seeing the miricle of birth. It inspires me to continue to fight for the lives of children who are threatened by abortion every day in Minnesota. However, the emotions around this ministry can be ovrwhelming: one day the sight of a baby born, the next day there may be sadness of not being able to stop a women from choosing abortion. Even though we know it is not not our responsibility when someone doesn't choose life, there is still a sadness.

That was what it was like this past week for me at MWC - a roller coaster of emotions, but thankfully I can rest on the solid rock of Christ!

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