Friday, April 2, 2010

Lilith Fair Flap - Pro-choicers are not appearing very pro-choice!

I don't know if you have been following the latest controversy over the Lilith Fair concert that is coming to the Twin Cities. It is a huge female-artist concert, and they have advertised that people can nominate charities of their choice to receive $1 from every ticket sold. This is a secular concert, and it appears that many supporters of it are livid that some of the nominated charities are crisis pregnancy centers from around the country. Evidently the concert travels around to cities in the US, and supporters can nominate charities in their cities to receive the $1 donation.

I did not know anything about this until a reporter contacted me and asked how we had gotten selected. I told her I had no idea but thought it was fine if people wanted to support our cause in this way. We don't support the concert, but if someone was kind enough to nominate us, we will surely put the funds to good use for our "pro-woman" cause.

Anyway, after the phone call I thought I had better check it out, and I discovered a whole bunch of really ticked off pro-choicers and some reasonable ones on the Lilith facebook page listed below. I responded to the post by a woman named Stacy, who challenges the legitimacy of Metro Women's Center specifically.

While we don't support the concert, someone nominated us so I think this is a great opportunity to educate the public about our mission and to invite Stacy to the center for a cup of herbal tea. I know Stacy follows our blog, so come on over, Stacy, and we can chat!

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