Friday, May 8, 2009

Baby Saved By Stranger

Step out in faith; the life you save is someone's grandchild!
Story used with permission.

A couple of years ago I received a frantic call from a man who had just found out that his 17-year-old daughter had gone to court to seek judicial bypass to get an abortion. A stranger had contacted him to let him and his family know what was going on. He was in a panic as to what to do and contacted us for help. We began to pray, and thankfully, he and his wife were able to intervene on behalf of their minor daughter and encourage her not to go forward with the abortion. The baby is now over 2 years of age and is a delight to the family. The daughter has been able to remove herself from the abusive relationship with the baby's dad and is in college and doing well. Praise the Lord that a stranger spoke up!

Judicial Bypass ignores parents' rights to protect their minor children -- In Minnesota for minors to get body piercing or tattoos, minors must have one of their parents or a legal guardian (with legal paperwork proving he or she is the legal guardian) present with them, or a notarized letter of permission from the parent(s), a photocopy of the parent's I.D., and a photo I.D. of their own to prove who they are. But all you need to get an abortion as a minor in Minnesota is a judge's order. The parents are never told about it!

Find out about Judicial Bypass in Minnesota:
The Impact of Parent Notification Laws

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