Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Treatment 'slashes baby HIV risk'

Praise the LORD for new developments in HIV care for pregnant women with HIV!

Appropriate treatment can all but eradicate the risk that a pregnant woman with HIV will pass the virus to her child. Read the rest of the article here.

100 Percent Guaranteed Safe Sex

AMEN TO THIS! In Minnesota there are school districts that pass out condoms at the school-based clinics. I wonder if they have considered that if the comdoms break or are not used properly every time, a pregnancy could occur, not to mention that condoms do not protect 100% from sexually transmitted diseases. Who picks up the medical bills for the students who become pregnant or infected with STI's?

Self-control is like an immune system. People who abhor sexual-control think they are breaking free, but, in reality, are breaking down. Control yourself and you will not be repressed—you will be free. Read the rest of the article here.

46% of American Health Insurance Plans Cover Abortions

Check to see if your health insurance company covers abortions. They may call it "theraputic or medical termination", but it still spells trouble for unborn babies. If they do cover abortions, write a nice letter to your company and ask them to please STOP!

The chances are good that your health insurance plan covers elective abortions since 46% of all health insurance plans in the United States do so. A leading researcher urges pro-life advocates to investigate their plans to find out whether they are unknowingly supporting abortion. “Many of you know people who consider themselves very good, solid citizens [and] who consider themselves pro-life. They go to church on Sunday; but on Monday morning, they finance abortion. They don't know they finance abortion, they do not conscientiously do it -- but they do do it. And they do it through private health insurance. They do it because the plan covers it," Moffitt pointed out. Read the rest of the story here and here.

The Option of Adoption

Check out this website for teens to help them consider the option of adoption. Many women say to me, "I could never make an adoption plan for my baby, so I will have an abortion." Help us spread the word about a better option.

In the Know is a new informational campaign dedicated to providing teens with unbiased, straightforward information about adoption. The campaign is the initiative of the Adoption Option Committee, Inc., a 22-year-old Minnesota nonprofit organization. The goal is to make sure teenagers have all the information they need to make decisions that are right for them if they or their friends experience an unintended pregnancy, without pressure or guilt. In the Know equips teens with the resources and information through brochures, posters, speaker panels, and an interactive web site: http://www.itkteens.org/.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Here is a photo of one of our moms [She gave us permission to use her picture.]. She and her baby are very grateful for our help. We have a volunteer who speaks Chinese and is helping her navigate through the program. She received a crib and mattress from us through the Cradle of Hope program. Praise the LORD for all those who help in our ministry!