The murder of Dr. George Tiller, a late-term abortionist in Wichita on Sunday was a crime against life. If it was undertaken for the sake of the sanctity of human life, the perpetrator is a misguided, “counterfeit” pro-lifer. This person’s impulsive, irresponsible actions have placed pro-life gains, painstakingly achieved over the past 20 years, at great risk. The advocates of choice now have fresh fodder for a public relations campaign that says, "See, pro-lifers are fanatics and terrorists."
If it was a counterfeit pro-lifer who did the killing, he acted outside the biblical mandate of "Thou shalt not kill," by disregarding the sacredness of Dr. Tiller's life. Before the Lord, the perpetrator will someday stand in condemnation for the same Scriptural violation he was attempting to stop the doctor from committing. Can you say “Hypocrisy”?
First, this counterfeit pro-lifer eliminated any possibility of Dr. Tiller repenting of his involvement in the abortion industry. Many former abortionists and clinic workers have repented and become strong advocates for the unborn because they know the reality of abortion, up close and personal. Sadly, Dr. Tiller's legacy will now be as a martyr for choice rather than as an advocate for life.
God will eventually bring an end to the practice of abortion in our culture. Until that happens, real pro-life advocates must continue to work for changes in the laws regulating abortion and to offer positive life-affirming support and encouragement to those considering abortion. We must use this occasion to recommit ourselves to working within the law – God’s and man’s – and patiently waiting for God to effect changes according to His timetable.
Therefore, secondly, the person who terminated Dr. Tiller's life took on a responsibility that was not his to take -- that of being judge and executioner of another human being. Ironically, by taking on this role, the killer did exactly what real pro-lifers try and encourage men and women facing unplanned pregnancies not to do--to terminate another’s life because the person is inconvenient. The killer must not have read that memo. In fact, he rejected the widely accepted wisdom of pro-life leaders who uniformly reject the use of violence and placed himself outside the mainstream pro-life movement.
Thirdly, the murder of the doctor removed a husband, father, and grandfather from his family. Their grief must be overwhelming. I don't know what position Dr. Tiller's family took about abortion; that doesn’t matter. What matters is that they are now a grieving family, and that grief was inflicted on them by a “counterfeit pro-lifer” whose actions are reprehensible and shameful. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The Bible teaches us to, as much as is possible, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18). Our actions as pro-life representatives should speak the truth about abortion, with kindness and compassion, to all who will hear. Let’s leave the final judgment of others where it belongs: at the throne of God.
Colleen Tronson
Director, Metro Women’s Center
6418 Bass Lake Road
Crystal, MN 55428
Read another pro-life response