Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Drama about Abortion -- worth checking out!

My friend, Jeremy Stanbary, has a production company called Epiphany Studios. He is a talented actor and has created a drama called "The Vitae (Life) Monologues" from interviews he has done with men and women who have been affected emotionally, spiritually, and physically by abortion. While Jeremy is Catholic in background, this drama does not promote Catholicism. It exposes the aftermath of abortion and points people to Christ.

Jeremy interviewed me and others and has woven our stories together into a powerful piece that I would recommend you view. This is not a political or religious drama; it explores the rationalizations and justifications we had/have for choosing abortion; it exposes the lie that choosing abortion "helps" men and women; it blows the lid off the cover-up that after abortion, things will be "normal" again.

Through the use of the real stories of those of us who have been left drowning in abortion's wake, the truth about the reality of "choice" is laid bare. After this truth is exposed, the truth about the forgiveness of God for sinners and the redemptive power of Jesus Christ to heal and restore those who are suffering becomes the ultimate focus of the piece.

The drama is available to be used in many settings. It is 80 minutes long, with a shorter version available for schools. This production is not for the faint of heart. While not graphic in imagery, the stories told are powerful and gripping, yet not "sensationalized". Jeremy has handled the material with care and sensitivity. I encourage you to check out the promo. Maybe you could use this as a pro-life outreach in your community to expose abortion for what it is: a lie from the pit of Hell, used to attack the image-bearers of God.

Thanks, Jeremy, for investing in this project!

View the promo:

If you're interested in having one of Epiphany's professional, inspirational, and educational plays performed at your church, school, college, conference, youth event, or fundraising event, please click here to visit their website and view/download booking information.

Epiphany Studio Productions
2527 University Ave. NE #2
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418
Tel. (651) 336-3302

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