Sunday, June 15, 2008
I have been thinking a lot about FATHERS these days and how men suffer post-abortion grief and loss, but are not public about it. At the national March for Life in Washington this year, there were men carrying "I regret lost Fatherhood" signs. Check out this site for testimonies of men who regret their abortions, a variety of men all experiencing lost fatherhood!
Monday, June 9, 2008
A client prayed to receive the Lord today. Our volunteer, Elaine, had the privilege of praying with her!
There is a lot going on here at the Center--babies are being born, and individuals are growing in Christ. There have been some disappointments, but I am keeping in mind that our job is to speak the truth and allow the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and lives of our clients.
There have been many calls about abortion. While we try and talk to the callers about options such as adoption or parenting, many just hang up. I think that by the time they call us, they have made up their minds already and are not open to other options. There are others, however, who do slow down and listen to what we have to say. We were able to save TWO babies this past week and to minister to the mothers.
One of our volunteers speaks Chinese and we have been able to assist this young mother and her daughter with items she needed for the baby, photo used with permission. The mom is very grateful and even cooked us Chinese soup!
There have been many calls about abortion. While we try and talk to the callers about options such as adoption or parenting, many just hang up. I think that by the time they call us, they have made up their minds already and are not open to other options. There are others, however, who do slow down and listen to what we have to say. We were able to save TWO babies this past week and to minister to the mothers.
One of our volunteers speaks Chinese and we have been able to assist this young mother and her daughter with items she needed for the baby, photo used with permission. The mom is very grateful and even cooked us Chinese soup!

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Teens Involved

A group of teens from Southview Baptist Church and their Youth Pastor, Rob Wagner, came to the Center and help us prepare a mailing for Father's Day. Alex, Sara and Laura Bee and Samantha Richard worked diligently and got the mailing done in about 2 hours! Reese's peanut butter cups and Laffy-Taffy made the task fun!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Obama Rally

Read Abortion : A Major Crisis in the African-American Community
Since Roe vs. Wade, 13 million African American lives have been lost to abortion. 1452 abortions are performed daily on African American women.
Read African American Outreach An open letter from Dr. Alveda King to African-American leaders ... Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Out and About
June 2008

My husband Steve and I celebrated 25 years of marriage this spring and took a trip to North Dakota to visit my parents (both in their 80's). We had a wonderful, quiet time! If you have never experienced North Dakota in the summer, I recommend it! There is nothing more beautiful than the prairie in bloom, and the Black Hills in the west are fabulous!

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